Glittering and unique are main features of Le Silla shoes.This brand takes care care of materials and details in every collection. I have matched it with chanel bag, levis jeans and pinko jacket so as to make a charming and fashionable style.

"Success is to know something that nobody else knows". EM/ME is focused on the creation fashion outfit in order to inspire new trends. EM\ME has been created since 2009 from Academic volunteers such as one Professors, two PhD students and other postgraduates students. Follow me on twitter @emmemag; facebook @emmemag; pinterest @veronicasq, and instagram @veronicasq
Italian brand shines out by Le Silla brand
Glittering and unique are main features of Le Silla shoes.This brand takes care care of materials and details in every collection. I have matched it with chanel bag, levis jeans and pinko jacket so as to make a charming and fashionable style.
Roberta di Camerino, known for its innovation in handbag design
Roberta di Camerino, a timeless style and elegance. It was created by Giuliana Cohen Camerino, Venice designer. "She was a good businesswoman. She worked full time, and for long, until she died. She loved her work" said her daughter. The masterpiece of Giuliana was handbag, it still has more sold.
"It was Coen Camerino's ideas that captured the attention and admiration
of her contemporaries, such as Coco Chanel. But, it is perhaps the
artist, and Coen Camerino's dear friend, Salvador Dali who described her
best: she first conveyed art into fashion. At the very least, the
Signora was a woman who dared to challenge conventionality, and
succeeded in turning utility into artistry" said The Genteel.
manolo blanik,
Mia Bag: mix and match
Mia bag made by Monica Bianco. She is creative and innovative stylist. Her collections are influenced by luxury brand such as Hermès, Tiffany, McQueen, etc. She combine timeless fashion and contemporary things (e.g. skulls, hearts, studs, etc.). Look at, to see her new collection.
I choose that one is mix and match between Hermès Birkin shape and Tiffany hearts, matching with
Louboutin shoes and Tiffany bracelet.
I choose that one is mix and match between Hermès Birkin shape and Tiffany hearts, matching with
Louboutin shoes and Tiffany bracelet.
Put away the trousers and pull on a long skirt
"Long skirts are a wonderful way to look feminine while still enjoying
all the practicality of a pair of pants. They are also a smart
investments as they can be worn year round" by Vogue Magazine.
Kelly or Birkin, formal or casual style?
"The Kelly is a touch more formal, a little more appropriate for an
evening out, a business dinner, as a more refined look. The Birkin is
more sporty, more casual. Often people use it as a briefcase, throw in a
change of shoes," says Trina Sams-Manning, manager of the Hermès shop
in Fairfax Squar, Virginia (USA).
Kelly's bag was made for the elegant actress Grace Kelly and Birkin one for actress and singer Jane Birkin. I prefer the Birkin bag even though it is heavy.
The price of these bags is about $6,000 or can top $25,000 depending on hide and hue.
And you, which do you prefer, the Birkin or the Kelly?
Kelly's bag was made for the elegant actress Grace Kelly and Birkin one for actress and singer Jane Birkin. I prefer the Birkin bag even though it is heavy.
The price of these bags is about $6,000 or can top $25,000 depending on hide and hue.
And you, which do you prefer, the Birkin or the Kelly?
grace kelly,
jane birkin,
Glittery ice cream heels for "Melissa" by Karl Lagerfield
Karl Lagerfield has created a line of high heels that sport a glittery ice cream cone on the back for Brazilian shoes brand Melissa. This collection was born out of a love for for where art,
design, technology and sustainability meet. It encourages good humor through the ice cream applied on the heel, transforming it into
a surprise and innovative element of the outfit. Available in diverse glittered flavors,
this model passes on the most fun and stylish message that you could give to those
around you on gray winter days.
If a man is attracted by tight-fitting dress I find a man in blue suit appealing
Blue is traditionally considered male color or that appeal
most strongly to or are more closely associated with boys can be good
choices for marketing messages, websites, and interior designs
targeting men. But recently these color is becoming the top choice of women. It is stylish, trendy, dressy... it is the
new black. There are some shade such as navy, or Klein blue, or
cobalt, or lapis, or turquoise, or
cerulean, etc.
My fovourite colour is blue: "if the man is attracted by tight-fitting dress I find a man in blue suit appealing".
Today I would suggest you some blue accessories, matching them with a jeans and white t-shirt or shirt.
kate spada,
manolo blanik,
Vivienne Westwood
Occhio al mercato e reinventa il tuo business con Domina.
In tempi di recessione, la soluzione e’
Domina, marchio storico dell’azienda
casertana Nicola Cristillo SAS, supporta le neo imprese nell’avvio della
propria business idea nel settore grocery attraverso la Corporate Brand Rental.
La corporate brand rental ti permette di affittare un marchio, pagandolo a rate
ed usurfruendo dei vantaggi connessi all’avviamento della brand equity dello stesso). Generalmente
il contratto può prevedere, nella prassi, anche l’intermediazione di una
società di leasing che diventa proprietaria, per tutta la durata del rimborso,
del brand. Impegnandosi a non rivenderlo. Lo cederà, alla scadenza del periodo
di rimborso (in genere cinque anni), all'acquirente. Che, dopo aver pagato
tutte le rate, versa il riscatto finale, come fosse di un telaio, una sedia da
dentista, un qualsiasi bene strumentale. Spesso è addirittura l'imprenditore,
proprietario del marchio, a ricorrere all'operazione, con un lease back: vende
cioè il proprio brand alla società di locazione finanziaria, incassandone il
valore di mercato. E poi lo utilizza in leasing. Alla fine del periodo di
contratto lo «riscatta».
Potrai godere del vantaggio di avere un solido capitale da reinvestire, di un veloce ammortamento invece dei standard 10 anni previsti per l'iscrizione a bilancio del marchio e dell’affidabilita’ di una brand image,
derivata da anni di esperienza di Domina.
Costruisci il tuo future e dei tuoi figli con
sicurezza ed affidabilita’, con Domina si puo’.
è un marchio registrato della Nicola Cristillo SAS di Michele Cristillo (Via
Ruggiero, 86 – 81100 Caserta – Per info: – 0823.351.423 – 333.5782962 – P.IVA
Domina è impegnata nel corporate brand rental a livello nazionale e si avvale della consulenza di docenti di Management e Gestione delle Imprese afferenti alla Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli ed all’Università di Napoli “Parthenope” Società di comunicazione e brand evaluation: Ichnos SRL (Napoli) –
Domina è impegnata nel corporate brand rental a livello nazionale e si avvale della consulenza di docenti di Management e Gestione delle Imprese afferenti alla Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli ed all’Università di Napoli “Parthenope” Società di comunicazione e brand evaluation: Ichnos SRL (Napoli) –
Family and woman entrepreneurship: the keys to success for Fendi
"When you’re born into a family that has a family business, family and business are one thing” says Silvia Venturini Fendi.
The Fendi's strength is family harmony and
woman entrepreneurship. In fact, today it has got over 100 stores worldwide,
with a flagship store on New York City's
trendy Fifth Avenue.
Furthermore, Fendi targeted a sale volume of 600 million Euros in 2007, and has
proved to be one of the most profitable acquisitions of LVMH.
Every year this luxury brand impresses and
surprises the fashion industry, creating elegant and voguish dresses, bags,
belts, etc.:
Fifth Avenue,
New York,
Silvia Venturini Fendi,
Floral clothing: outfit spring/summer 2013
From luxury brands as Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Prada, etc., to cheap brands like Mango, Zara, Primark, etc. the woman fashion spring/summer 2013 is characterized by high-contrast flowers on a black background.
I would suggest you fine, stylish and floral clothing by Mango shirt and trousers, Prada bag, Le Silla shoes and Margherita Burgner earrings.
Tutti a Colazione da Tiffany di Chiara Nespoli
L’indimenticabile pellicola che ha idolatrato una favolosa
Audrey Hepburn è rimasta negli annali della storia del cinema, come capolavoro
indiscusso del genere. Ed il verde acqua/azzurro polvere che contraddistingue
il famoso brand di gioielleria è diventato connotativo di eleganza e classe,
tant’è che ribattezza il colore proprio quale verde Tiffany.
Da sempre trendy e di moda, ma è il 2013 a coronarlo quale
colore dell’anno, visto che grandi maison l’hanno scelto per le loro collezioni
ed è gettonatissimo anche quale tono primario per gli addobbi sposa e gli abiti
da damigella di quest’anno.

Le ragioni di un tal successo sono semplicissime, anzi
sorprende che sia rimasto un po’ “nascosto” per diverso tempo: è un tono
luminoso, che ben si adatta ad ogni tipo di colore.
Per quanto concerne fiori ed addobbi vari è facile da
accostarlo anche a diverse altre sfumature, per quanto concerne gli abiti ben
si intona a tutti i tipi di incarnato e l’arrivo della bella stagione pone alla
ribalta i toni pastello e candidi.
I would love to do a picnic: picnic outfit!!!
To create a perfect outfit for your picnic.!!
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