The Urbee is the world’s only printed car. EcoLogic created Urbee
basically as a two person city car that is also highway capable. The new technology car was been invented by Jim Kor and his team of Kor
Ecologic in Canada with the partnership with Stratasys, in Minneapolis (the
company that 3-D printed car’s body). They
have been working on
Urbee’s design since 1996 and they tossed out the current idea of cars and
started with a blank slate. The intended market
for Urbee mimics initial design briefs of ‘people cars’ of the past, like the
Model T Ford, the original VW Beetle, the original Austin Mini, the Citroen
2CV, and the Fiat 500. All these simple cars were designed to be robust,
frugal, and useful. According to
Urbee creator Jim Kor, the 1 cylinder 8 hp, bioethanol-powered plastic Urbee
hybrid could still hit 60 mph in 12 seconds, although the top speed would only
be 70 mph. Urbee is powered by two electric motors driving the front wheels.
Interestingly, the front wheels do not steer. Steering is accomplished with the
single rear wheel. This provides for very small openings for the front wheels,
which is the most aerodynamic method of mounting front wheels.
Furthermore, the process of 3-D printing turned into 'digital manufacturing' would
change the way they replace parts within machines. It has certainly changed my
way of thinking about manufacturing. Environmentally this process holds promise
because one only puts material where one needs it. It is an additive process,
building the part essentially one molecule of material at a time, ultimately
with no waste. The client would have an inventory of computer files on hand,
stored somewhere in the world, and utilize the closest 3-D printing facility
available to the machine that needs the repair part.
If Kor Ecologic can
raise $1 million, the first small batch production run could come by 2014 at an
estimated price of about $30,000 – $40,000.
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